
The equestrian market is a diverse and constantly evolving industry, with riders and enthusiasts always on the lookout for innovative products that can enhance their performance and comfort. One such product that has gained immense popularity in recent years is shearling also commonly known as...

Shearling has been a staple in the fashion industry for many years and continues to be a popular choice for designers and consumers alike. As we look towards the 2023/24 season, several key trends are worth exploring in the shearling market.One of the biggest trends...

When it comes to high-quality footwear, sheepskin is an exceptional material that stands out from the rest. Sheepskin is a natural material that has been used for centuries to make durable and comfortable footwear. It is an excellent choice for a variety of reasons, including...

Sheepskin is a very important and valuable material used in the production of many other products. Its history goes back to ancient times. It has been used in the production of clothing, shoes, and household goods for many years.  After the sheep’s skin is flayed,...

Sheepskin has been used for various purposes since humanity existed and it still is used widely. Because of its popularity, the question of what is sheepskin needs to be answered truly so that its usage areas, production process, and function can be understood more correctly....

Sheepskin and fur are the most important production materials to meet the needs of social life like dresses, shoes, ornaments, or the goods used in daily life. Tanneries are the places where sheepskin tanning takes place as one of the most significant steps of the...

The wool quality and density of a natural sheepskin should be taken into consideration when choosing a natural sheepskin rug, natural sheepskin throw, or any kind of item and accessories. The quality of the rug's color and the texture of the leather are also important....

Did you know that Turkey is one of the biggest and most significant producers of leather clothing worldwide? High-quality Turkish leather goods are now produced by this industry thanks to new technologies and advanced knowledge. The development of new, high-quality raw materials as a result...

Tannery process is at the heart of the process while creating any items with leather. To prepare or process skins or hides into leather, tannic acid is used in the process of tanning. The pelt's unprocessed collagen fibers are transformed into a durable material that...

Any good leather starts their journey with tanning. After the hides are removed from the beamhouse and thoroughly cleaned of debris, blood, salt, and hair, leather tanning is the first step in the production of leather. A hide or skin needs to be processed before...

A sheepskin rug's warmth and softness, as well as a cowhide rug's distinctive appearance, has an otherworldly quality… Both materials are naturally durable, so they are also very efficient for household usage. The sheepskin rug will add a very natural warmth to any room when...

Clothing and other items made of animal skin have been used as portable insulation systems since ancient times. Natural lambskin is still used today as one of the most well-liked historical insulation systems. Lambskin also has a long history of use in clothing, especially for...

Sheepskin has been a reliable companion since ancient times. It was often preferred in colder climates due to its thick form and waterproof properties. Used for slippers, hats, coats, bags, rugs, furniture and in many other items in the modern day, sheepskin has an interesting...

You can look into the constantly refreshed collections of PEGIA where the quality, comfort and style is inseparable. You could check the collection with the username and password from the link below.http://showroom.pegia.comIf you do not have username and password, please let us know. ...

Sheepskin is the pelt with wool of a sheep. Sheepskin fleece has an outstanding insulating property. By the medical profession, the wool is well-thought-out to be hypoallergenic. What is Shearling? Shearling is a kind of lambskin or sheepskin fur of a yearling sheep.  It has only been...